
Vivoverde /  (Page 2)

2014 flying fishes

Grindelwald Forest / Switzerland «If we start to laugh, it means that the idea is working.» Gabriele...

2012 water lilies

Opole's urban space / Poland «The idea is the queen, for any technical problem we have...

2013 cubes

Hotel Belvedere Park - Grindelwald / Switzerland «We never exclude ourselves to anything, if not triviality.» Vincenzo...

2011 sewing

Plettenberg Bay Beach / South Africa «Experimenting with new materials is always a great pleasure.» Vincenzo Sponga —...

2011 ball of wool

Grindelwald Forest / Switzerland «We should all return something back to Nature.» Gabriele Meneguzzi — For everything that...

2011 shoots

Alzey-Wenheim Vineyards / Germany «Often Nature and Man unconsciously produce art. We simply highlight it.» Vincenzo Sponga — A...

2009 stars

Pebbly river bank - Camino al Tagliamento - Udine / Italy «Even when a project is...

2008 suspensions

Seminary Park - Pordenone / Italy «It is in our head the ideal and sensorial conclusion...

2008 pencils

Grindelwald Forest / Switzerland «We love to provoke reactions. Only doing so, the work can have...

2008 open frames

Bosco di Bugnara - L'Aquila / Italia «Invention isn't always needed. Sometimes you only have to...